In this Social Media Marketing online training course, we will discuss Social Media and the role of Social Media Marketing; we will identify commonly-used Social Media platforms and explain the significance of each in a marketing context, and we will discuss the various aspects of developing a Social Media Marketing plan.
In this Social Media Marketing online training course, we will discuss Social Media and the role of Social Media Marketing; we will identify commonly-used Social Media platforms and explain the significance of each in a marketing context, and we will discuss the various aspects of developing a Social Media Marketing plan.
Whenever there is a new form of social gathering, marketers have been interested in developing a presence. The fast evolving area of Social Media is no different. Even though this new development has moved from the physical to the online world, marketing principles still apply. To market effectively, using Social Media, it is essential to have an understanding of the social environment.
Course Learning Objectives
By taking this online Social Media Marketing course, the user will learn to:
- Discuss key attributes of different social media sites.
- Explain why social media marketing is a vital marketing channel.
- Identify and research six distinct social media groups.
- List key components of a social media marketing plan.
Course Outline
This online Social Media Marketing course consists of the following sections:
- The Impact of Social Media
- A Closer Look at Social Media
- The New Marketing Channel
- An Integrated Approach
- Social Media Trends
Course Audience
This Social Media Marketing online training course is designed for everyone.
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